Our Stories Begin & End With Family

The Northbound Story Starts with Family

 I remember watching Spider Man with my mother as a child. After Peter Parker famously said “with great power, comes great responsibility,” I remember her looking me in the eyes and saying it again, “with great power comes great responsibility.”

Northbound was born when I realized that supporting influential individuals and families to live well with wealth would be like throwing boulders into ponds, catalyzing tremendous ripple effects throughout the world.

Inspired by my parents who took a proactive and intentional approach to leading my family, Northbound empowers people in positions of influence to “be the change they wish to see in the world,” (Gandhi) leaving it a better place for generations to come.

This catalytic process begins internally. With parents who are willing to look at themselves honestly, choose to grow, and become the role models they want to be for their children. It extends into the family system, creating and fortifying strong dynamics that create the foundation upon which incredible things can flourish for the long-haul.

I thank my lucky stars I was born to parents

who understand

that all we want to achieve in the world is held up

by our connection

with each other.

Your story also starts

and ends

with family.

Make it matter.

Lead them through an experience that:

  • Deepens long-term connection.

  • Promotes wellness, joy, and drive.

  • Lays the foundation for every other family business or philanthropic endeavor.

  • Allows your children to integrate wealth into their lives.

  • Creates the platform for integral conversations.

  • Facilitates genuine engagement.

  • Promotes the successful transfer of not only wealth, but also the stories, love and legacy that define you.

 How it Works

  • Discover

    First get to know us to see if we are a fit for your family.

    Through one-on-one discovery and "feedback forward” conversations we are always customizing our work together to meet the needs of your entire family.

  • Fortify

    Our family dynamics workshops strengthen skills and relationships, ultimately creating a foundation to:

    ▫️ Help the next-generation experience wealth as a gift that facilitates instead of a burden that debilitates.

    ▫️ Sustain long-term family connection and unity.

    ▫️ Navigate challenges with skill.

    ▫️ Make decisions efficiently and effectively.

    ▫️ Support successful integration of wealth into each person’s life.

  • Build

    With a strong foundation, we help your family apply its skills as you navigate specific decisions, transitions, and topics.

What Families Are Saying


“I love listening to the kids talk about how helpful our work with Northbound has been. We each learned and grew so much. We are better at communicating and we had fun throughout the process. I never thought I would see the day when my husband and son would not attack each other. I am so grateful that day has come.”

— G1 Mother

“A year later our family is still using the language of our colors all the time. It helps us understand each other, communicate through challenges, and it even helps us re-connect with our sense of humor. We love you guys!”

— CEO & G1 Father

“My dad was not initially interested in this exercise. Now he is Real Colors' and Northbound's biggest advocate. We learned so much in such a short amount of time. our relationships, and thus lives, are changed for the better because of it."

— G2 Next-Gen