You were Born for Uncharted Territory (A Poem from Katie)

It is in the silent moments
when I look at you
at peace
in my arms

my heart
breaks open
in a question.

What kind of world will you grow up in?

The surreal sense
that your childhood
now exists
in unprecedented times.

My mind wants to go
down a dark path
of disappointment

but my heart knows
that you were born
for uncharted territory.

That you were made
for this fire.
And I was made
to receive
all that you have
to teach me.

You are now a generation
of survivors
joining all of the others
who have been surviving
for so long
without us.

You will grow in a world
with more empathy
and connection
on our street
and across the world.

A generation whose bodies
will collectively remember
and love
that transcends distance.


Moonset (A Poem from Katie)


Ciela and the Sewer Cap (A Poem from Katie)